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Service Locating 

As professional contractors we understand the significant safety risks and/or substantial expense involved with striking a Utility Line: If you need underground utility or pipe locating services in Gisborne, We can help you.

Today state of the art locating equipment and detailed infrastructure plans enable us to pin point with accuracy a wide range of utility services and pipe types from, fibre optic and telecommunications services, gas lines, water mains, sewer mains, stormwater drainage systems and electrical lines. If you require a service location, then give us a call at Jones Plumbers. Don’t take the risk of hitting a gas line or breaking a water main power or telco service. Whether you are digging a hole to plant a tree or breaking ground on a new construction project, you simply can’t know where underground installations are until you’ve had a Locating survey of the property done.

When Would I Need A Locating Service? 

A locating service helps builders - trades & home owners avoid potential damages to any surrounding infrastructure asset(s) when undertaking projects, such as:

  • New Buildings, Renovations or Developments 

  • Trades working on or outside boundaries 

  • Companies undertaking civil works 

  • New fencing

  • In ground Plumbing & Drainage 

  • In Ground Electrical Connections

  • Driveways

  • Landscaping

  • Mailbox installation

  • Pools

Infrastructure asset(s) can be anywhere and underground assets may be closer to the surface than expected;

The First Step In Locating Services

We believe dial before you dig is one of the best ways to initiate the search process, but here is some common tips to take into account. 

  • We will lodge a Dial Before You Dig on your behalf for free, but we need to lodge that Dial Before You Dig inquiry at least two business days prior to starting any locating or excavation work to allow sufficient time to receive plans back from registered asset owners. We can then commence locating any affected infrastructure asset.

  • Outside boundary works will require a corridor access request and likely a traffic management plan for traffic & or pedestrians.  

  • If you have another trades-person working onsite, who have already lodged the Dial Before You Dig or you have already lodged one. Then there maybe additional charges for us to receive extra service plans for that property. 

  • Plan(s) DO NOT pinpoint the exact location of the infrastructure asset and only the presence. Therefore, Service locating and Duty of Care must be exercised when working around any infrastructure assets.

  • NEVER assume the depth or alignment of pipes and cables will be as per plan details.

  • For any excavation project, always proceed with caution and follow the 5Ps of Safe Excavation.

  • Plans are intend to be indicative only and may not contain specific detail(s) within your property boundary.

  • If further assistance is required, we can contact the infrastructure asset owners directly.

  • For best practice we strongly recommend  hiring a Locator service if you believe there are infrastructure assets within the vicinity of your project site.

  • Keep a record of the information and any notes you make in case damage has occurred to an infrastructure asset(s).

  • Be aware asset owners may seek compensation for any damage caused to their asset, regardless if a Dial Before You Dig enquiry has been lodged.  Any type of excavation around the home can cause damage(s) to surrounding infrastructure assets. Proceed with caution and follow the Duty of Care.

  • Unfortunately, not all of Australia’s infrastructure asset owners are Members of Dial Before You Dig and assumptions SHOULD NOT be made that the plans received represent the only infrastructure assets affected by the project work site.

The Second Step To Locating Services

Book our Pipe & Cable Locating Service, we provides a range of locating services to assist in the protection of underground assets, and the prevention of hazards on site.

From Hand-held Locators - For the location and ground marking of metallic pipes, cables and other structures sub-surface for basic excavations.

To Detailed location plans - For a more in-depth marking service, you might choose a utility survey. A survey is a more detailed map of your property, including contour lines, benchmarks, reduced levels and other numbers and calculations. This kind of service is more precise and is better for ascertaining exact positions of utility lines in larger areas. 

Thirdly, The 5 P's To Safely Locate Services 


Seek council approval, have permits ready,allow to have the Dial Before You Dig service plans in hand before starting any excavation & ensure you have the correct information and safety measures in place.


Prepare SWMS and management plans. Reviewing the utility plans and contacting all utility providers if you need assistance. Look for onsite asset and infrastructure clues such as pit lids, gas, water & power, marker posts and meters. Engage a Locator services to pin point & mark exact depths and locations of services in effected area prior to potholing.


Establish a visual location of all underground infrastructure(s), by potholing if permitted, to carefulling and non evasivly expose services in effected area.

Hand digging or non destructive hydro excavation are the best methods.


If potholing has occurred, protect the infrastructure by using various methods; such as communicating to all working on site, erecting barriers and / or marking the location of the exposed infrastructure. 


Proceed carefully & safely with any proposed excavation work with a methodical & planned approach, continue potholing (if required unless prohibited) and have protective measures in place just incase.

Lastly Safely Exposing Services 

Where possible we always recommend: Non-destructive digging, also known as non-destructive excavation, hydro excavation, and pot holing. It makes use of a high-pressure water lance to safely excavate soil, dirt, and sand that is found around underground utilities.

The Process

Before non-destructive digging is performed, we use hand-held locators or ground penetrating radar to locate underground utilities. We would then use hydro excavation to dislodge the soil, dirt and sand, thus pot holing and exposing the underground utilities that need to be accessed. The materials that are dislodged are vacuum loaded for containment and easy removal removal from site.  After the relevant crew has accessed the site, we can also undertake a full reinstatement of the ground if required.


Save time & money safely

Non-destructive digging is quicker and safer than excavation and manual digging.  Repairing the ground is much easier than if mechanical or hand excavation was used. It eliminates damage to underground infrastructure, and reduces hazards and risk of injuries. The excavation work can be completed much faster, which helps reduce your overall costs and can help minimise disruption to services and operations.

Request Your Appointment Today!

We are ready to help! Get in touch with us by calling the number or filling out the Contact form!

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